Elli and I live in Frankfurt am Main in a small 2-room apartment. We always enjoyed massaging each other at home. The only problem was that when massaging on the bed, the person being massaged quickly gets a stiff neck. Since our living space is limited, we didn’t want to buy a big massage table and couldn’t find a good solution on the internet.

To surprise Elli, I made her a massage headrest for our bed as a Christmas gift. She really loved the idea and showed it to our friends. They liked the idea as well, so I started building some for them, too. When the first friend of a friend of a friend asked us to build a headrest for him, we began to realize that there might be a market for it.

We started making the first massage headrests in my father’s workshop, and when the weather was good, we could even work outside. In the meantime, we have our own workshop in Frankfurt, where we have already manufactured over 1,000 headrests and shipped them all over the world (Tasmania was the longest journey of one of our packages so far).

A big thank you to our customers around the world! We are really grateful for all your positive feedback and are excited to see how the story continues…

Elli & Chris
Founder of HerzWood